Thursday, February 20, 2025
The stars may not shine as brightly - Poem by me
And the moon may wander around
But time for you
Has not stopped
For I see you walking
On the beaches of my poems
Alone in an Island
Sailing on ships that have long stopped sailing
But if after reading this
Some other business intrudes
And my words are left to collect the dust
Let time not pass
Without a kind thought of your friend
Monday, February 17, 2025
I still remember my drawing in grade 3. The old teacher really liked it and gave it 99 marks. She held it up and examined it. The truth is it was a weak painting even considering my age, but the other students were worse. Nobody took art seriously considering it a waste of time and a bad career choice. I was the only one simple-minded enough to have great enthusiasm for it.
I left my small village school and went to a big school and found in that great school not a single person even meekly interested or having the slightest ability in art including the art teacher. But its cousin music was still very popular. You see everyone wanted to be doctors and engineers, but still wanted to sing at a social event to impress the others. But drawing and painting had no such value and parents discouraged children from it. There was an almost total lack of interest in art that pervaded the whole country.
But the trouble was I wasn’t a good artist. I had great enthusiasm for art but had only the skill of a mediocre draughtsman. But I kept drawing and painting even after I left school. Unfortunately, I could not find a job as an artist and instead decided on another career choice. With time I forgot all about art. But I felt that there was something missing in my life. Yesterday I went to Kalapola, the annual exhibition by artists near the Vihara Mahadevi Park. There were many people to view the artwork but in the time I spent there almost nobody bought any. It was obvious that some people there thought it was all childish.
It depends on who you are but I believe that things like music and art fill a place in at least some people's minds that would otherwise remain empty. But I know many perfectly happy people who are not interested in either - it is something that has always baffled me. But a few days ago I visited such a friend, who had retired from a highly successful career, and he seemed miserable. Only then did I realise the true value of art. It is the only work like thing you do, not to be successful or earn money, or even fame but purely to be happy.
Friday, February 14, 2025
The Zoo
My most memorable visit to this zoo was about 15 years ago. The animals were amazing but equally impressive was the open spaces
like the lake and trees where birds used to gather. It had a terraced structure
which gave the impression that you were climbing down a hill that added to the
adventure. Naturally, it showcased only Vertebrates or animals with a backbone
and skeleton. Even with my limited knowledge of these things, I knew that there
were strange animals called Invertebrates, some so strange that you could
almost believe that they were from another planet. So one day I decided to find
All animals fall into 35 different groups or Phyla, although
only about 9 of them are well-known. All vertebrates (Mammals, fish, birds,
amphibians, and reptiles) actually fall under one phylum called Chordata. But
what are the other phyla? In the phylum, Mollusca is the snail, whose most
prominent features seem to be a muscular foot, a mantle with a shell, and eyes.
Snails like other invertebrates do not have a spinal cord or one single brain.
Instead, they have a set of ganglia (groupings of neurons) that distribute the
control of the various parts of it. Slugs are closely related to snails and its
motto seems to be “Just Hang on”, because it is constantly in danger of drying
out in warm weather and being eaten by other animals.
So it comes as a surprise that one of the cleverest animals
the octopus, is also a mollusk. I once read a weirdly convincing story by one
of the world's most renowned science fiction writers who says that octopuses
can build and use tools, however being under the sea and unable to use fire to
forge metals, its evolutionary growth is stunted. And who can ignore the
elusive, haunting giant squid, something straight out of a nightmare.
In any case, Mollusca is the second most diverse animal
phylum, after Arthropoda, with approximately 93 000 species distributed between
three major lineages: gastropods (‘stomach footed’ – 70 000 species including
snails, land and sea slugs, limpets), bivalves (20 000 species including
oysters, mussels, clams), and cephalopods (‘head footed’ − 900 species
including octopuses, squids, and nautiluses).
Without ever having seen a starfish I had always felt that
starfish are overrated in literature, particularly poetry. But one day I was
wading in the shallow crystal clear sea in Trincomalee, when I saw a large
orange starfish. As I went to have a closer look, it glided swiftly away, it
was amazing, I’ve never seen anything so
magical. Starfish are not fish, but are classified under the phylum
Echinodermata. Other animals in this group include the sea urchin, sea
cucumber, and sand dollar. All animals in this group are only found in the sea.
Of course not all Invertebrates are as magical as the starfish, some are repulsive some are deadly and some are so simple that they could be mistaken for plants. Take the sponge for example (Phylum Porifera), the simplest animal, its motto seems to be “I ain’t going nowhere” because it is attached to the seabed. Sponges are similar to other animals in that they are multicellular, heterotrophic, lack cell walls, and produce sperm cells. Unlike other animals, they lack true tissues and organs. The shapes of their bodies are adapted for maximal efficiency of water flow through the central cavity, where the water deposits nutrients and then leaves through a hole and that’s about it. But if you think Invertebrates are boring wait till you meet the insects some of whom could potentially kill you. Insects come under the Phylum Arthropoda. Other animals in this phylum apart from insects are the myriapods (including centipedes and millipedes); arachnids (including spiders, mites and scorpions); crustaceans (including slaters, prawn and crabs). Although it’s difficult to think of a crab as being related to an insect if you look closely it kind of looks similar.
Monday, February 10, 2025
THE RAINMAKER : (I wrote this short story)
DOOMSDAY (I wrote this short story)