Saturday, March 12, 2022

From the travel book

Everyone accepts that something that is illogical has no value, but the objective of this Surrealist movement is exactly this – to create unnerving, illogical scenes with the objective of freeing the unconscious. Imagine what it means, its aim is nothing less than to free the unconscious. Amazed by what I saw in the hill country, I drew a landscape following the strange theories of the Surrealists. It was an enthralling experience. In an attempt to draw realistic or impressive drawings and avoid mistakes the artist sometimes loses the thrill of drawing and painting.........his output this new Surrealist method I used, mistakes are modified or left as they are to make the drawing more energetic......the artist finds the true purpose of art - to express oneself and be happy.......I felt incredibly proud of my first Surrealist drawing, it really had freed if not my unconscious, at least part of my creativity. So I took my drawing to show an art dealer, and all he could say was “What is this?”


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