Wednesday, August 14, 2024

I wrote this poem, here the word Dawn could mean a person's name or could mean new light or a new beginning, greed could mean the ships name or greediness for material wealth (The drawing I did on a separate occasion)

Far far from the shore
In a place I don’t want to go
Lies a sunken ship
The ship they called greed
We once sailed to an Isle
Far beyond the Nile
On a ship that made
Thoughts that were vile
In this Isle
We stopped for a while
They sailed on
For I had seen Dawn
In greed they went
They were my friends
Their mighty needs
They could never reach
Their stars faded
The seas abated
They lost their way
For their souls I pray
I found me
In the Island of peace
This is all I need
They call it Serendip


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